Arizona Highways Special Issue on Prehistoric Pottery - February 1974 [SOLD]

Except for a short few pages on artist Lon Megargee, the entire edition is devoted to prehistoric pottery of the Southwest.
The magazine is profusely illustrated with color photographs of prehistoric pottery
Condition: very good condition
Prehistoric Pottery of Arizona
By Peter J. Pilles, Jr. and Edward B. Danson,
Lon Megargee (1883-1960)
Artisans of the Past
Arizona’s Prehistoric Potters
Effigy Vessels in the Prehistoric American Southwest
By Laurens C. Hammack
Archaeological Expedition, 1895
Excerpts from the chapter “The Pottery of Sikyatki” from the book Expedition to Arizona in 1895 by Jesse Walter Fewkes.
Front Cover: “This is what it’s all about, pottery. Complete pots are rare, but shards are abundant and this is what the archeologist most often uncovers. These bits and pieces, in association with other archeological features, unlock the doors of prehistory.” Jerry Jacka
Inside Front Cover: Photos of Salado Redware pitcher, 1250-1400 A.D.; Tonto Polychrome long necked jar, 1250-1400 A.D.; Gila Polychrome bowl, 1100-1400 A.D.; Pinto Polychrome bowl 1200-1385 A.D.; All are from Tonto Basin area. Jerry Jacka