Arts and Crafts Furniture Design [SOLD]
Don Marek, et al.
- Subject: Arts and Crafts Movement
- Item # C4412V
- Date Published: Grand Rapids Art Museum—March 13 to May 17, 1987
- Size: Softcover, 77 pages, new condition, profusely illustrated SOLD
Arts and Crafts Furniture Design—The Grand Rapids Contribution 1895-1915
by Don Marek
Grand Rapids Art Museum—March 13 to May 17, 1987
Softcover, 77 pages, new condition, profusely illustrated
Table of Contents
Objects List
Grand Rapids design
The Stickley Controversy
The Grand Rapids Manufacturers
Hardware, Finishes and Labels
Independent Artisans
Conducting Remarks
Don Marek, et al.
Click on image to view larger.
- Subject: Arts and Crafts Movement
- Item # C4412V
- Date Published: Grand Rapids Art Museum—March 13 to May 17, 1987
- Size: Softcover, 77 pages, new condition, profusely illustrated SOLD