AMERICAN ARTISTS an Illustrated Survey of Leading Contemporary Americans [SOLD]
- Subject: Western Artists
- Item # C4363U
- Date Published: Hardback with slipcover, 1985
- Size: 347 pages, illustrated SOLD
AMERICAN ARTISTS an Illustrated Survey of Leading Contemporary Americans
By Les Krantz
Publisher: The Krantz Company Publishers, Inc.
Hardback with slipcover, 1985, 347 pages, illustrated
Throughout history the world centers of the visual arts have been in Greece, Italy, France, and other countries. After World War II, however, a creative explosion took place in America, establishing the most unrestricted forum for artistic expression that the world has ever known.
This volume surveys the main protagonists of this phenomenon. Some are veritable household worlds, others are lesser known, yet important contributions to American art. Over 1,000 living artists are reviewed along with biographical data, explanations of their work (past to present) and illustrations in color and black and white.
Each alphabetical entry also provides useful information such as major exhibitions, influences on the artist’s work, main media, studio address, dealers, awards and much more. This essential reference represents nearly 10 years of practical research, involving visiting nearly 1,000 exhibitions of contemporary artists.
The information provided is indispensable for collectors, researchers, educators, and everyone interested in following American Art.