Book: Turquoise Unearthed: An Illustrated Guide (Rocks, Minerals and Gemstones)

Joe Lowry, et al.
- Subject: Native American Jewelry
- Item # 1-887896-33-3
- Date Published: 2002/11/01
- Size: 74 pages SOLD
From the Back Cover
Turquoise. What other gemstone comes in such an astonishing variety of colors and forms, or is more evocative of the American Southwest?
Turquoise Unearthed showcases exquisite examples of rough and polished natural turquoise from more than twenty famous
Joe Lowry, et al.
Click on image to view larger.
- Subject: Native American Jewelry
- Item # 1-887896-33-3
- Date Published: 2002/11/01
- Size: 74 pages SOLD