Treasure Trails of the Southwest [SOLD]

- Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
- Item # 0-8263-1509-7
- Date Published: 1994/06/01
- Size: 177 Pages SOLD
Captivating tales of lost mines and buried gold bars await you in this book. Whether you load your burro with pick, shovel, gold pan, and canteen or prefer to stay at home, you will find a wealth of adventure in Marc Simmons's recounting of treasure stories.
The Spanish entered the Southwest seeking gold and instant wealth, and people ever since have succumbed to the same lure. Newspaper headlines are still made today when gold searches resume on Victorio Peak. New Mexico's most famous treasure tale is that of the Adams Diggings. Somewhere in far western New Mexico is a canyon laden with gold nuggets and placer flakes, found and then lost by Adams in the early 1860s. Also still awaiting rediscovery is the Josephine Mine in southwestern Colorado, from which gold nuggets have been found in this century though the rich veins they came from remain unlocated.
Southwest aficionado Charles F. Lummis once observed that
- Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
- Item # 0-8263-1509-7
- Date Published: 1994/06/01
- Size: 177 Pages SOLD
- University of New Mexico Press
- Albuquerque, NM