The Mexican Years [SOLD]

- Subject: Hispanic Arts & Culture
- Item # 1-880508-00-1
- Date Published: 1969/12/31
- Size: 48 pages SOLD
From the Inside
The Mexican Museum takes great pleasure in presenting Leonora Carrington: The Mexican Years, 1943-1985. This retrospective of the provocative and enigmatic work of this important artist constitutes her first major exhibition on the West Coast and continues the museum\'s commitment to exhibitions of preeminent twentieth-century artists in Mexico.
We are especially grateful to Leonora Carrington and to Amy-Beth Fischoff of the Brewster Gallery in New York for their interest and generous cooperation during the planning of the exhibition. The Brewster Gallery assisted immeasurably with the process of selecting art works and contributed significantly to the comprehensive nature of the exhibition. We would also like to acknowledge the tireless support of Dr. Salomon Grimberg, who not only provided the chronology for the catalogue but who was always available for consultation on the location and condition of specific works and often provided the initial contact with potential lenders.
- Subject: Hispanic Arts & Culture
- Item # 1-880508-00-1
- Date Published: 1969/12/31
- Size: 48 pages SOLD