The Apaches: Eagles of the Southwest [SOLD]

- Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
- Item # C3737A
- Date Published: 1979
- Size: 389 pages SOLD
THE APACHES – Eagles of the Southwest
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1979
Hardback with slip cover. 389 pages. Very good condition
From the Jacket cover
“Until now Apache history has been fragmented, offered in books dealing with specific bands or groups—the Mescaleros, Mimbreños, Chiricahuas, and the more distant Kiowa Apaches, Lipans, and Jicarillas. In this book, Donald E. Worcester provides a synthesis of the total historical experience of the Apaches, from the post-Conquest era of the Spaniards to the present day. In clear, fluent prose he provides a panoramic coverage, with the main focus on the nineteenth century, the era of the Apaches’ sometimes splintered but always determined resistance to the white intruders. They were never a numerous tribe, but, in their daring and skill as commando-like raiders, they well deserved the name “Eagles of the Southwest.”
I. The Apaches and Their Neighbors
II. Apaches and Spaniards
III. The Beginnings of Anglo-Apache Conflict in New Mexico
IV. The Beginnings of Anglo-Apache Conflict in Arizona
V. The Mescaleros’ Nemesis
VI. Anglo-Apache Conflict in Arizona
VII. Apaches and the Peace Policy
VIII. Crook and the Conquest of the Tontos
IX. John P. Clum and the Civil-Military Struggle for Control
X. Victorio, Nana, and the Mimbreños
XI. The Cibecue Outbreak
XII. Crook and Geronimo
XIII. The Apache Prisoners of War
XIV. The Eagles Caged
- Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
- Item # C3737A
- Date Published: 1979
- Size: 389 pages SOLD
- University of Oklahoma Press
- Norman, OK