The Allure of Turquoise [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Jewelry
- Item # C4002S
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition 1995
- Size: 144 pages SOLD
The Allure of Turquoise
Editor: Arnold Vigil
Publisher: New Mexico Magazine
Softcover, first edition 1995. 79 pages. Beautifully illustrated with photographs by Mark Nohl.
Table of Contents
Exploring the Miracle of Turquoise by Susan Arritt
The Allure of Turquoise Through the Centuries by Marc Simmons
Turquoise and the Native American by David Gomez
Young Native Jewelers Signal Changing of Guard by Jon Bowman
Buyer Beware: Hidden Facets of Turquoise by Richard McCord
The Plight of Old Pawn by Jack Hartsfield
New Mexico’s Crown Jewel Shines at Turquoise Museum by Patricia O’Connor
Ants and Turquoise: A Discerning Relationship by Susan Arritt
Sentimental Journeys of the Turquoise Room by Ray Nelson
The Turquoise Trail Remains Timeless by Emily Drabanski
- Subject: Native American Jewelry
- Item # C4002S
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition 1995
- Size: 144 pages SOLD