Songs of the Totem [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American: General
- Item # B21
- Date Published: 1938/12/01
- Size: 48 pages SOLD
These are wild, haunting bits of Indian music which will be stilled when the generation passes on. Songs of the Thlingets of Southeastern Alaska, hitherto unwritten, which have, for untold generations, been passed from the lips of uncle to nephew. They are as characteristic of these wilderness people as are the carved and painted totem poles by which they are known throughout the world.
But the totems are crumbling now, and the young, educated Thlinget of today carves no more with the same spirit of importance but rather to keep the art from being lost. Likewise, he has put aside the tom-tom of his forefathers for the white man
- Subject: Native American: General
- Item # B21
- Date Published: 1938/12/01
- Size: 48 pages SOLD