Pueblo Indians of North America (SOLD)

- Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
- Item # 0881330590
- Date Published: 1983/08/01
- Size: 224 pages SOLD
An authoritative treatment of the social, cultural, and ethnohistorical data on both the Eastern and Western Pueblos! The information contained in this case study is the result of the author's lifetime spent among the Pueblos. "I have lived in or visited every village small and large from the Hopi towns of lower and upper Moencopi in Arizona to the double apartment buildings of Taos Pueblo in northern New Mexico," writes the author in his preface. He writes not of a single people and their culture but of a group of related peoples and their adaptation through time to their changing physical, socioeconomic, and political environments. A rare, inside view of native life and culture by an anthropologist who is himself a Pueblo Indian. Perhaps the best single volume on the subject.
- Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
- Item # 0881330590
- Date Published: 1983/08/01
- Size: 224 pages SOLD