Patterns and Sources of Navajo Weaving [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Textiles
- Item # C3602S
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition, third printing 1978. Autographed
- Size: 68 pages, illustrated in color with 105 textiles SOLD
Patterns and Sources of NAVAJO WEAVING
By W. D. Harmsen
Softcover, first edition, third printing 1978. Autographed by W. D. Harmsen, 68 pages, illustrated in color with 105 textiles from the Harmsen collection
Table of Contents
Foreword by Joseph Stacey
Introduction by W. D. Harmsen
Native American Tapestries of the Navajo by Carl Schaefer Dentzel
Patterns and Sources of Navajo Weaving by Joe Ben Wheat
Rug Weaving Regions of the Southwest Color Map
The Modern Navajo Weaver by Martin Link
The Other Weavers of the Southwest by Richard G. Conn
Technique, Tradition, and Trade by Frederick J. Dockstader
The Early Period
Bosque Redondo and After
Pan Reservation Rug Styles
Germantown Blankets
Ganado Area
Two Gray Hills
Western Reservation
Sand-Painting, Yeis, and Yeibechais
Teec Nos Pos
Wide Ruins
Navajo Twills
Pictorial Rugs
Novelty Weaves of the Navajo
- Subject: Native American Textiles
- Item # C3602S
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition, third printing 1978. Autographed
- Size: 68 pages, illustrated in color with 105 textiles SOLD