Old Father the Storyteller by Pablita Velarde [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Easel Art
- Item # C4494J
- Date Published: Hardback, first edition 1960
- Size: 66 Pages
Illustrations by Pablita Velarde SOLD
OLD FATHER the story teller
by Pablita Velarde
Publisher: Dale Stuart King, Globe, Arizona
Hardback, first edition 1960, printed by Northland Press, 66 pages, stories and illustrations by Pablita Velarde
Condition: very good condition. Inscribed on first blank page to the previous owners by their friends
As a child at her native Santa Clara Pueblo, near Santa Fe, New Mexico, Pablita Velarde heard the legends of her people told by her grandfather and great-grandfather. Now recognized as one of the greatest American Indian woman artists, she selected six of the most memorable of these tribal stories for her book Old Father the story teller. These legends are simply written, much as Pablita related them to her own children when they were young. She illustrated each story with the natural earth tone paintings that have gained her national and international renown. Her illustrated legends reveal the artist at her best, in a book that will delight old and young alike.
- Subject: Native American Easel Art
- Item # C4494J
- Date Published: Hardback, first edition 1960
- Size: 66 Pages
Illustrations by Pablita Velarde SOLD