Namingha: Timeless Land And Enduring Images [SOLD]

- Subject: Western Artists
- Item # C4263Q
- Date Published:
September 17 - November 10, 1991 - Size: 30 pages SOLD
Namingha —Timeless Land and Enduring Images
Palm Springs Desert Museum, Palm Springs, California
September 17 - November 10, 1991
From the Foreword
With great pleasure the Palm Springs Museum offers this one-man exhibition of works by New Mexico artist Dan Namingha, Timeless Land and Enduring Images. The Museum’s 1991-92 season officially opens with the presentation of this exciting group of thirty-four artworks.
Dan Namingha is an artist of international stature whose work is strongly affected by his Hopi-Tewa heritage and by the southwestern landscape. He is quite obviously moved by a spirit, a spirit that inhabits his finished works. This is a spirit of the ancient pueblo catapulted into the 1990s and captured by passionate, energetic application. The results are immediate and contemporary in appearance although clearly informed by that living ancestral memory. These are powerful works.
It is appropriate that Dan Namingha's art opens the 1991/92 season for our Museum. He brings a power and dignity that sets the proper tone for a year we expect to plumb new and diverse cultural depths. I'm grateful to Dan and his wife Frances for their complete support with this project. Thanks also are extended to Barbara and Bud Hoover, Selma Pearl and Cyndi and Len Goldberg for generously lending works from their private collections. Finally, special thanks are due to Curator of Art Katherine Plake Hough for her expert work organizing the exhibition, catalog and thoughtful gallery installation.
- Subject: Western Artists
- Item # C4263Q
- Date Published:
September 17 - November 10, 1991 - Size: 30 pages SOLD
- Palm Springs Desert Museum
- Palm Springs, CA