Indians of the Mesa Verde [SOLD]

- Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
- Item # C3809T
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition, 1961
- Size: 188 pages, illustrated with photographs SOLD
Publisher: Mesa Verde Museum Association, Colorado
Softcover, first edition, 1961, 188 pages, illustrated with photographs
Part One: People of the Mesa Verde
1. Echoes of the Past
2. Discovery
3. Life in Ancient Times
4. Spring
5. Summer
6. Autumn
7. Winter
8. The End of the Story
Part Two: The Archaeological Background
1. Origin of the American Indian
2. Archaeology of the Mesa Verde
Excerpt from the book:
Under the arching roof of a tremendous cave stands a silent, empty city.
For almost seven centuries it has stood there looking out across the canyon toward the setting sun. Proudly, almost haughtily, it has resisted the heavy tread of those slow centuries. Like a giant with a shawl of everlasting stone pulled closely about its shoulders it has stood with unbowed head, an eternal monument to the intelligence and industry of its builders.
Almost seven centuries ago the people turned their backs on their proud city and walked away. All of the forces of nature seemed to be against them. The rains failed to fall; the springs ceased to flow. No corn grew in the fields. At last, weak from lack of food and water, and bewildered by the failure of the gods to answer their hysterical prayers they surrendered to the inevitable. Sadly, they turned their backs on the once happy city and walked down the canyon, never to return.
Cliff Palace, the crowning glory of the Mesa Verde, was a silent, deserted city
- Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
- Item # C3809T
- Date Published: Softcover, first edition, 1961
- Size: 188 pages, illustrated with photographs SOLD
- Mesa Verde Museum Association
- Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado