Indian Leaflets [SOLD]

Author Unknown
- Subject: Native American Art
- Item # B38
- Date Published: 1934/12/01
- Size: 119 Leaflets SOLD
INDIAN LEAFLET SERIES (119 Leaflets) from the Denver Art Museum. Three pages each (unless otherwise noted). Black and white photographs and drawings. Out of print. Note: the price of $40.00 is for the entire 119 leaflet series collection.
- LEAFLET No. 1: Northwest Coast Indians (1930, reprinted 1974)
- LEAFLET No. 2: North American Plains Indians: Hide Dressing and Bead Sewing Techniques (1930, reprinted 1976)
- LEAFLET No. 3: Navajo Spinning, Dyeing and Weaving (1930, reprinted 1977)
- LEAFLET No. 4: Pueblo Indian Clothing (1937, reprinted 1967)
- LEAFLET No. 5: Pima Indian Close Coiled Basketry (1930, reprinted 1971)
- LEAFLET No. 6: Pueblo Indian Pottery Making (1930, reprinted 1967)
- LEAFLET No. 7: The Buffalo and the Indian (1930, reprinted 1967)
- LEAFLET No. 8: Pueblo Indian Foods (1930, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 9: Southwestern Indian Dwellings (1930, reprinted 1971)
- LEAFLET No. 10: The Ute Indians (1930, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 11: Periods of Pueblo Culture and History (1930, reprinted 1970)
- LEAFLET No. 12: The Iroquois Long House (1930, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 13: The Hopi Indians (1930, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 14: The Pueblo Golden Age (1930, reprinted 1967)
- LEAFLET No. 15: Navaho Silversmithing (1930, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 16: The Apache Indians (1930, reprinted 1974)
- LEAFLET No. 17: Hopi Indian Basketry (1931, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 18: Hopi Indian Weaving (1931, reprinted 1971)
- LEAFLET No. 19: The Plains Indian Tipi (1931, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 20: The Plains Indian Earth Lodge: Historic Period (1931, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 21: The Navaho Indians (1931, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 22: American Indian Tobacco: Varieties, Cultivations, Methods of Use (1931, reprinted 1967)
- LEAFLET No. 23: The Plains Indian Tribes: Location, Population, and Culture (1931, reprinted 1977)
- LEAFLET No. 24: Plains Indian Clothing (1931, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 25: The Menomini Indians: A Woodland Tribe (1931, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 26: Iroquois Foods (1931, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 27 and 28: The New England Tribes: Names and Locations (7 pages, 1931, reprinted 1976)
- LEAFLET No. 29: Indian Musical and Noise-Making Instruments (1931, reprinted 1968)
- LEAFLET No. 30: Pueblo Beads and Inlay: Manufacture and Uses (1931, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 31: Iroquoian and Algonkin Wampum (1931, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 32: The Puget Sound Indians (1931)
- LEAFLET No. 33: The Havasupai Indians (1931, reprinted 1968)
- LEAFLET No. 34: Puget Sound Indian Houses (1931, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 35: Santa Clara and San Juan Pottery (1931, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 36: The Ojibwa or Chippewa Indians (1931, reprinted 1968)
- LEAFLET No. 37 and 38: The Blackfoot Indians (7 pages, 1931, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 39: New England Indian Houses, Forts and Villages (1932, reprinted 1971)
- LEAFLET No. 40: The Wichita Indians and allied tribes: Waco, Towakoni, and Kichai (1932, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 41: The Sioux or Dakota Nation: Divisions, History and Numbers (1932, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 42: The Grass House of the Wichita and Caddo (1932, reprinted 1973)
- LEAFLET No. 43 and 44: Indian Sand-Painting: Tribes, Technics [sic] and Uses (7 pages, 1932, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 45 and 46: Modern Pueblo Indian Villages (7 pages,1932, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 47: Hopi Indian Pottery (1932, reprinted 1978)
- LEAFLET No. 48: The Klamath Indians (1932, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 49: Long Island Indian Tribes (1932, reprinted 1977)
- LEAFLET No. 50: Long Island Indian Culture (1932, reprinted 1975)
- LEAFLET No. 51-52: Indian Linguistic Stocks or Families: Powell
Author Unknown
Click on image to view larger.
- Subject: Native American Art
- Item # B38
- Date Published: 1934/12/01
- Size: 119 Leaflets SOLD