Indian Jewelry on the Market [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Jewelry
- Item # 0887409385
- Date Published: 1997/03/01
- Size: 144 pages SOLD
All of the beautiful American Indian jewelry shown in this book was actually for sale when the photographs were taken with the prices and ranges noted with each caption. Therefore, it will be useful to all enthusiasts of Indian arts because it shows what is really available on today's marketplace. The 330 beautiful color photographs demonstrate the excellent craftsmanship in the jewelry and the text presents the variation of style to be exciting. Collectors, dealers, historians and travelers to the Southwest all will enjoy the concise an informative information and visual pleasure this book presents.
Peter N. Schiffer has traveled extensively in the Southwest where his interest in Indian arts developed. He has taken pictures of many Indian items for other books and enjoys a creative approach to their presentation.
- Subject: Native American Jewelry
- Item # 0887409385
- Date Published: 1997/03/01
- Size: 144 pages SOLD