Apache Beadwork: Instructions and Designs

- Subject: Native American Art
- Item # 0-8466-4078-3
- Date Published: 1973/06/01
- Size: 50 pages SOLD
From the Preface:
Rare indeed is the woman whose fingers do not linger lovingly on the beautiful beads which are so temptingly displayed on the counters of all the large stores. Rarer still is the one who does not secretly, if not openly, break that commandment which admonishes us not to covet, as her eyes wander from one basket to another filled with their treasurer, which vie with the colors of the rainbow.
Nor is this craze, for beadwork, which is now at its zenith; a new fad by any means, for it has been quite as popular many times before during the centuries that have passed, although its revival is always accompanied by specific modifications to suit the demands of Dame Fashion. This time it is the Indian work which is done on a hand loom that is attracting lovers of fancy work; and handsome indeed in design and workmanship are the belts, sashes, fan, lorgnette, and watch-chains, purses, bracelets and fobs, which are woven on these looms. As the beautiful ready-made accessories of beadwork, which are so dear to the heart of every woman, sell at prices that are beyond the slender purse, there is no reason why one should deny herself the luxury of possessing them, if she has skillful fingers and a small amount to invest in materials.
The woman who has command of her own time could not find anything more pleasant to beguile her leisure hours than Indian beadwork ; and the busy woman who has to depend on odd moments for opportunities to do fancy work could not find anything more nicely adapted for
- Subject: Native American Art
- Item # 0-8466-4078-3
- Date Published: 1973/06/01
- Size: 50 pages SOLD