A Little History of The Navajos [SOLD]

- Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
- Item # C4363E
- Date Published: 1909. Hardback, First reprint edition, 1989
- Size: 136 pages, new copy shrink wrapped SOLD
A Little History of The Navajos by Oscar H. Lipps
Avanyu Publishing
Hardback, First reprint edition, 1989, 136 pages, new copy. Original first edition published in 1909
Excerpt from the PUBLISHER'S PREFACE
In the last eighty years since 1909, the Navajo Indian tribe has experienced a plethora of changes, in their numbers, their lifestyles, their social structure, their influence in their geographical area, and so on ad infinitum. The Navajo Nation now numbers more than 200,000 enrolled members spread out on a mineral rich reservation which encompasses more than ten million acres spanning portions of the states of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. The most significant changes have come as a result of the Navajo contact with the social and economic influences of the white man.
- Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
- Item # C4363E
- Date Published: 1909. Hardback, First reprint edition, 1989
- Size: 136 pages, new copy shrink wrapped SOLD
- Avanyu Publishing
- 221 Canyon Road
- Santa Fe, NM
- 505-955-0550
- info@adobegallery.com
- http://avanyupublishing.com