Adobe Gallery Blog
Very Small Historic Polychrome Zia Pueblo Storage Jar - C3925E
This very small Zia Pueblo storage jar could possibly be from the early 20th century. It is in the shape of a storage jar, but in miniature scale. The main body design consists of tilted and connected red domino-like rectangles, outlined in black, with some having paired ovals attached to a corner. Above those elements are black arches. The base is concave, whereas a true storage jar would have a flat bottom. The rim is painted black and there is a pair of framing lines below the design area. A wide matte red band was wiped on under the framing lines and almost covers the entire red area below the design.
#adobegallery #SouthwestIndianPottery #ZiaPueblo #ZiaPottery #PuebloPottery #SouthwestIndianArt #SantaFePottery #FinePuebloPottery #HistoricPottery