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Navajo Elder Storyteller Painting by Andrew Van Tsihnahjinnie - C3636D

Category: Paintings | Posted by Adobe Gallery Team Member | Thu, Aug 18th 2016, 5:52pm

A Tsihnahjinnie Painting - C3636DThis appears to be a very early painting by Andrew Van Tsihnahjinnie (1916 - 2000), possibly one painted while attending the Santa Fe Indian School.  The style is that of a student, not an accomplished artist, and the mat board appears to be hand cut, both being indications of student work.  The painting was very well executed and illustrates why Dorothy Dunn thought so highly of Andy Tsihnahjinnie as an artist.  She stated "[He] had no equals among the artists of the [Santa Fe Indian School] studio and perhaps few superiors among modern painters. If equanimity and self-confidence were to rule his artistic abilities, Tsihnahjinnie might well be one of America's top-ranking painters."



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