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Kewa (Santo Domingo) Pueblo Chile Bowl with Black Triangles - C3753.34

Category: Pottery | Posted by Adobe Gallery Team Member | Fri, Apr 15th 2016, 1:47pm

Kewa (Santo Domingo) Pueblo Pottery - C3753.34Before 1850, the pottery of Santo Domingo and Cochiti Pueblos, two Keresan-speaking groups, was indistinguishable.  It was virtually the same and was generally referred to as Kiua Polychrome.  With the arrival of the transcontinental rail line in 1880, the similarity began to diverge.  Cochiti, more than 16 miles from the rail line, and Santo Domingo, adjacent to the rail line, began to diverge in pottery styles.  Cochiti retained its traditions and Santo Domingo began to respond to the needs of the outside world.

Read more about this pottery here.