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Kachina Dancers (Indians Forever Suite) by Fritz Scholder - C3984A
Fritz Scholder (1937-2005) was a world-renowned painter of Luiseño descent. Scholder, who at one point had vowed never to create works with Native themes or subject matter, became a widely influential figure in the world of Native American art. His Indians Forever Suite, created at Albuquerque's Tamarind Institute in the early 1970s, was the beginning of Scholder's experimentation with lithography.
In "Kachina Dancers", Scholder presents a straightforward depiction of a ceremony that is of the utmost importance to the Hopi people: the Niman (or "Going Home") ceremony. This ceremony marks the end of the six-month period during which, according to Hopi tradition, the Katsinas live among the Hopi people, revealing themselves through ceremonial dances and serving as the Hopi people's links to their gods. The katsinas pictured here are called Hemis Katsinas.
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