Adobe Gallery Blog
Carved Santa Clara Pueblo Red Globular Jar by Autumn Borts Medlock - C4047P
This contemporary pottery jar appears to be a celebration of spring with tulips and poppies about ready to bloom. The flowers that hang down are poppies and the erect ones are tulips. There are two butterflies busily pollinating the open ones. The artist highlighted the leaves with green pigment, probably a natural mineral source. The carving is deep into the clay body and expertly rendered. Each carved line is clean and precise. The area of the vessel exposed behind the carving was slipped with micaceous clay. The red slip was highly burnished with a stone.
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#adobegallery #SouthwestIndianPottery #SantaClaraPueblo #PuebloPottery #SantaFePottery #FinePuebloPottery #SantaFeNM #AutumnBortsMedlock