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Black-on-black Low Open Jar signed Marie & Julian by Maria Martinez - C3661A

Category: Pottery | Posted by Adobe Gallery Team Member | Fri, Jul 1st 2016, 4:09pm

Maria Martinez Pottery - C3661AMaria Poveka Martinez (1887-1980) and Julian Martinez (1885-1943) worked together producing pottery from the early 1900s-she making the beautiful Tewa shape vessels and he painting beautiful designs in traditional Polychrome style.  Because Maria was considered the best potter at San Ildefosno, she was selected to experiment on reproducing the prehistoric wares being excavated.  She and Julian worked diligently for several years to recreate the earlier pottery and Julian painted designs in the traditional Polychrome style.  It was not until around 1912, that they became interested in experimenting with the blackware of previous periods.  It was another 10 years before they achieved satisfactory results.


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