Toney Mitchell, Diné Silversmith

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Artist Hallmark Signature of Toney Mitchell, Diné of the Navajo Nation SilversmithDiné of the Navajo Nation silversmith Toney Mitchell learned to make jewelry from his brother, Leo Mitchell.  Toney Mitchell signs his jewelry with his artist’s hallmark, the letter M and a series lines that resemble sunrays and water.

Toney Mitchell is quoted as saying in Greg Schaaf’s book American Indian Jewelry II: M-Z  2,100 Artist Biographies: “The integration of Navajo traditional rug designs and contemporary art is a process that I enjoy. My work represents the past and the present, worn for its uniqueness.”

Toney Mitchell (1956-) was born in Tolani Lake, Arizona. He attended Fort Wingate High School and Pima Community College.

Relative Links: Diné of the Navajo Nation, Southwest Indian Jewelry