Marcus Coochwykvia, Hopi Silversmith

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Bearpaw with the Hopi Nakwách – The Symbol of Brotherhood.  Upon first meeting and you extend your hand palm up, tradition is for the other person to extend their own hand, palm down, and clasp the hands together to form the nakwách, the ancient symbol of brotherhood.Marcus Coochwikvia is of the Bear Clan and lives in the village of Mishongnovi at Second Mesa, Hopi Pueblo in Arizona. He has been a practicing silversmith since 1972.

He has received awards from Santa Fe Indian Market and Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Arts and Crafts Fair. He is widely published.

Artist initials of Marcus Coochwykvia, Hopi Silversmith

MC and the other a bear paw with nachwach, the combination of the two symbols make up the artist's mark.

What is the Hopi Nakwách? Upon first meeting and you extend your hand palm up, tradition is for the other person to extend their own hand, palm down, and clasp the hands together to form the nakwách, the ancient symbol of brotherhood.

Reference: American Indian Jewelry I, 1,200 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf

TAGS: Hopi PuebloSouthwest Indian Jewelry