Adrienne Teeguarden, Southwest Jeweler
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Southwest artist Adrienne Teeguarden was the first to bring the mystic symbols such as the thunderbird and the arrowhead into contemporary fashion. To create her belts, she often used the same stamps used by Navajo Indians in the early 1900s. Some of those old belts can now be found in museums.
Adrienne Teeguarden was once a resident of Taos, New Mexico. According to her website, RC Gorman was a client and friend who supported and believed in her talent. Others on her client list are Angelina Jolie, Helmut Newton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Whoopi Goldberg, Prince Ernst of Hanover, Madonna, Darren Vigil Gray, Jessica Simpson, Christina Aguilera, Chuck E. Weiss, Lauran Bacall, Linda Thompson, Olivia Newton John, Robert Redford, Sonja Braga, Jessica Alba, Billy Bob Thornton, Robert Evans, Inger Jirby, Daniel Lanois, Bono, Doug Newton, Sheryl Crow, Kristie Alley, Robbie Robertson, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Spike Lee & Bernie Taupin.