Sandra Shutiva and Wilfred Garcia, Acoma Pueblo Potters

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Artists' signatures of Sandra Shutiva and Wilfred Garcia, Acoma PottersPottery artists Sandra Shutiva and Wilfred Garcia are husband and wife team from Acoma Pueblo.

Sandra Shutiva comes from a long line of outstanding potters at Acoma Pueblo. Her grandmother, Jessie Garcia, and her mother, Stella Shutiva, were famous for the white corrugated wares that they revived from the pre-historic utilitarian wares.

Wilfred Garcia (1954-present), also of Acoma Pueblo, is married to Sandra and is son of Tony and Lucy Garcia; bother of Elliott Garcia, Sr. and Mary Garcia Seymour. They are known for their large white jars with appliquues of ear of corn or carvings of cliff dwelling scenes.

Reference: Southern Pueblo Pottery: 2,000 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf.

TAGS: Acoma Pueblo, Jessie Garcia, Stella Shutiva, Southwest Indian Pottery