Patricia Honie, Hopi Pueblo Potter

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The Legacy of Pottery: Tracing the Roots of Hopi and Hopi-Tewa Potters

Picture of Patricia Honie signature Hopi Pueblo

Artist signature of Patricia Honie, Hopi PuebloThe Hopi Reservation, a vibrant hub of pottery, is home to a majority of potters who are descendants of the indigenous people from the pueblos of the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico. These individuals relocated to the Hopi Reservation during the Spanish conquest of the Southwest. Known as the Hopi-Tewa, they primarily reside on First Mesa, in a village graciously bestowed upon them by the Hopi.

However, the Hopi Reservation also hosts a distinct group of potters who trace their lineage directly to the Hopi, rather than the Tewa Indians. Notable among them are the late Patricia Honie (1919 - 2001) and her sister, Juanita Healing. Both sisters hail from the village of Sichomovi on First Mesa, continuing the rich tradition of Hopi pottery. Their work stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Hopi craftsmanship, passed down through generations.

Reference: Hopi-Tewa Pottery: 500 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf.

TAGS: Juanita HealingHopi PuebloSouthwest Indian Jewelry