Gregory Lonewolf (1952- )

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Picture of Gregory Lonewolf Santa Clara PuebloGregory Lonewolf, Santa Clara Pueblo, active 1970-present: etched glass, sgrafitto seed pots, miniatures. Gregory Lonewolf is the son of Joseph Lonewolf; bother of Susan Romero, Rosemary "Apple Blossom" Lonewolf Tafoya; grandson to Camilio Tafoya; nephew to Grace Medicine Flower.

"The whole family has been working on pottery a long time. I've always been interested in art, but other career things kept me from it until later when I worked in a frame shop and saw artwork coming in. My interest was heightened by talking to these artists and helping them with their work. I thought I'd give it a shot and see if I could sell my own work-etching, glass etching, woodwork, all sorts of media-I was never restricted by that."

"I got to see a lot of my father's work, but the first teaching I received was from Camilio [Tafoya, his grandfather] and Aunt Grace [Medicine Flower], and we did the traditional carved style. My 'internship' came from my father and sister Rosemary [Apple Blossom]. I learned a lot of different techniques from each member of the family and incorporated these methods into what I do now. I consider my father my mentor and hope someday to catch up with him, but I doubt I will."

References: Pueblo Indian Pottery: 750 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf.
                    Fourteen Families In Pueblo Pottery by Rick Dillingham.
Photo courtesy of Rick Dillingham.


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