Zuni Pueblo Historic Polychrome Pottery Pitcher with Handles


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Once Known Native American Potter
  • Category: Historic
  • Origin: Zuni Pueblo, SHE-WE-NA
  • Medium: clay, pigments
  • Size:
    7-⅝” height x 7-⅜” width including handles
  • Item # C4759N
  • Price: $3400

Zuni Pueblo's Artistry: A Study of a 1920s Pottery Pitcher

This remarkable pottery pitcher from Zuni Pueblo is a true testament to the creativity and artistry of Zuni potters. The pitcher dates back to around 1920 and stands out due to its inventive form. It has a round base, a wide neck, and a pair of handles. The rim curves inward and outward, creating multiple spouts for pouring liquid. Some might even see an abstract owl figure in this form, with the handles representing wings and the front spout resembling a beak.

The exterior is adorned with intricate designs in black and red pigments over a white-slipped surface. Tadpoles and dragonflies encircle the rim, while curved red forms appear at the midbody.  The more common heartline deer motif is personalized by alternating between black and red pigments. A band of triangular elements graces the area beneath the feet of the heartline deer.

This unique vessel reflects the spirit and artistic heritage of the Zuni people, making it a valuable addition for collectors of historic pueblo pottery.

What is a Heartline?

Condition: good condition with a few spots of crude black overpaint, most noticeably over a small rim chip and one of the deer's antlers

Provenance: this Zuni Pueblo Historic Polychrome Pottery Pitcher with Handles is from the collection of a client of the gallery

Recommended Reading: The Pottery of Zuni Pueblo by Lanmon and Harlow

TAGS: Pueblo PotteryZuni PuebloHistoric Pottery

Alternate view of this vessel.

Once Known Native American Potter
  • Category: Historic
  • Origin: Zuni Pueblo, SHE-WE-NA
  • Medium: clay, pigments
  • Size:
    7-⅝” height x 7-⅜” width including handles
  • Item # C4759N
  • Price: $3400

C4759N-zuni.jpgC4759N-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.