Zuni Nineteenth Century Polychrome Pottery Olla with Heartline Deer [SOLD]


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Once Known Native American Potter
  • Category: Historic
  • Origin: Zuni Pueblo, SHE-WE-NA
  • Medium: clay, pigment
  • Size:
    9" height x 12" diameter
  • Item # C4737C
  • SOLD

This is a superb nineteenth century vessel, dating to the last quarter of the 1800s. This olla has many distinctive Zuni design elements: the heartline deer, spiral volute with fine-line embellishments, and the "sunflower" rosette. The underbody is concave, as is typical of all ollas, or water jars dating after 1700. The base is slipped in brown pigment, with distinctive flexure at the uppermost edge of the underbody, as well as a black-slipped, unpolished neck interior and rim top. The white slip is stone-polished with mineral-paint designs. The uppermost framing line is worked in black, overlaying the geometric/spiral volute fine-line elements worked in black and red.

The double framing line at the upper shoulder has one ceremonial break. At mid-body, the distinctive sunflower elements serve to anchor the composition. Above and below these central paired framing lines are two heartline deer in black and red pigments, enclosed in an oval motif embellished with black and red geometric and fine-line motifs. This is a wonderful olla, in fantastic condition, with superb patina, incontrovertible evidence of the generations of hands that held, appreciated, used, and perhaps loved this fine jar, a utilitarian object formed and intricately embellished to create a true work of art.

The heartline deer motif, an innovation of the 1860-1870 period, is prominent on this vessel. It was previously referred to as an antelope, the meaning of which was provided by John G. Bourke in 1881:

The line running down from the animal's mouth and terminating at its heart may be described as a "prayer." It is a pictographic invocation to the "spirit of the antelope" to incline the hearts of the antelope on earth to put themselves in the way of the Zunis that they may kill them for food. I made careful inquiries upon this point and know that I have obtained the correct explanation.

Condition: this Zuni Pueblo Nineteenth Century Polychrome Pottery olla is in very good condition. There are a few fire clouds near the base.

Provenance: this Zuni Nineteenth Century Polychrome Pottery Olla with Heartline Deer is from the collection of a client of Adobe Gallery

Recommended Reading: The Pottery of Zuni Pueblo by Dwight P. Lanmon and Francis H. Harlow 

TAGS: Zuni PuebloPueblo Pottery

Alternate view of this Zuni pottery OLLA.

Once Known Native American Potter
  • Category: Historic
  • Origin: Zuni Pueblo, SHE-WE-NA
  • Medium: clay, pigment
  • Size:
    9" height x 12" diameter
  • Item # C4737C
  • SOLD

C4737C-zuni.jpgC4737C-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.