Zia Pueblo Small Jar with Traditional Zia Bird Design [SOLD]
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- Category: Historic
- Origin: Zia Pueblo, Tsi-ya
- Medium: clay, basalt, pigment
- Size: 3-1/2” height x 5-1/8” diameter
- Item # C3925F SOLD
This small jar is a four-color example—cream, black, red and orange. One bird is red and the other one is orange, both outlined in black and both resting on the lower framing line. The tipped feathers also alternate between red and orange. The background color has turned a soft cream/yellow from decades of age.
Condition: very good condition with minor rim chip and white calcium deposit on lower body.
Provenance: fthis Zia Pueblo Small Jar with Traditional Zia Bird Design is from a Colorado resident
Recommended Reading: The Pottery of Zia Pueblo by Harlow and Lanmon
- Category: Historic
- Origin: Zia Pueblo, Tsi-ya
- Medium: clay, basalt, pigment
- Size: 3-1/2” height x 5-1/8” diameter
- Item # C3925F SOLD