Zia Pueblo Polychrome Serving Bowl with Floral Design [R]
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- Category: Modern
- Origin: Zia Pueblo, Tsi-ya
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 5” depth x 10” diameter
- Item # C3885A
- Price No Longer Available
When we post an item of pottery as Contemporary, we do not mean to indicate that it is new, but that it dates to after 1940. There has been considerable disagreement among scholars, dealers, and collectors about the end of the historic period and the beginning of the contemporary period in pueblo pottery production. Earlier scholars, such as Francis Harlow, set the end of the historic period at 1880 to coincide with the arrival of the intercontinental train to New Mexico and its influence on pottery styles. Others have set the end date of the historic period as 1920s because that was the beginning of the black-on-black pottery and publicity by the Museum of New Mexico on pueblo pottery. Lastly, Jonathan Batkin selected 1940 as the end of the historic period which would set the beginning of the contemporary period at that time.
We follow in the tradition of Jonathan Batkin because we feel that very little influence really affected what was being produced by the pueblo potters before World War II. Most changes occurred with the expansion of travel throughout the United States following the completion of the war, changes made to accommodate the desires and needs of the tourists. Smaller vessels were made to make it easier for transport by the travelers. More precision was employed to make pottery more appealing to tourists.
This Zia serving bowl probably dates to the mid-20th century, just after the end of the historic period. It was made for use by the family from whom it was made. There is evidence on the interior of prior use as a serving bowl for food.
The bowl is traditional to the style made at Zia for family use. The design is traditional to Zia bowls.
Condition: very good condition, shows use for serving food. What appears to be a crack on the interior is a change in the direction of stone polishing.
Provenance: from the collection of a family from Santa Fe
Recommended Reading: The Pottery of Zia Pueblo by Harlow and Lanmon
- Category: Modern
- Origin: Zia Pueblo, Tsi-ya
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 5” depth x 10” diameter
- Item # C3885A
- Price No Longer Available