Zia Pueblo Polychrome OLLA with Birds and Plants


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Ascensiona (Aguilar) Pino, Zia Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Zia Pueblo, Tsi-ya
  • Medium: clay, pigment
  • Size: 9-3/4" tall x 10-1/2" diameter
  • Item # C4850A
  • Price: $7500

This is an exceptional Zia Pueblo jar that dates to the early 20th century. It is coil formed from native clay with the addition of crushed basaltic lava as a tempering agent. The concave base and underbody are stone polished red slip.

The design field, which is undivided, is a very traditional Zia scene on a creamy background but executed in exceptional fine craftsmanship. The design was executed in dark brown pigment and a rich deep red pigment. The birds and leaves of the plants are outlined in brown, but the flowers were left without outlines. The simplicity and uncluttered look of the design is the key to this striking piece.

The rim is painted brown as are the clouds suspended from the rim. A very subtle ceremonial break appears in the cloud design. The pair of framing lines below the decorated area contains a ceremonial break.

In the book referenced below, page 294, figure 14.84, there is a jar with such an elaborate topknot on the birds. It is such an unusual topknot, it is quite logical to assume that these two jars were made by the same potter-Ascensiona (Aguilar) Pino (ca. 1893 to 1895 - 1963), who was the daughter of Reyes Galvan (ca. 1860 or 1861 - 1934) and Mariano Aguilar (1862-1895). She probably would have been in her 20s when she made this jar. The precision of the painted design is that of an experienced and young potter.

Condition: The pottery jar is in very good condition. There is evidence on the interior of the jar of its having been used as a water jar, but there is no damage either inside or outside as a result of this. There are some minor abrasions to the painted surface, but not more than would be expected in a jar of this age and use.

Provenance: this Zia Pueblo Polychrome OLLA with Birds and Plants is from the estate of a Santa Fe resident

Reference: Harlow, Francis H. and Dwight P. Lanmon. The Pottery of Zia Pueblo, SAR Press, 2003

TAGS: Reyes GalvanSouthwest Indian PotteryZia PuebloHistoric PotteryAscensiona (Aguilar) Pino

Alternate view of this pottery vessel.


Ascensiona (Aguilar) Pino, Zia Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Zia Pueblo, Tsi-ya
  • Medium: clay, pigment
  • Size: 9-3/4" tall x 10-1/2" diameter
  • Item # C4850A
  • Price: $7500

C4850A-zia-pot.jpgC4850A-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.