Zia Pueblo Deer Mask Dancer [SOLD]


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Ignacio Moquino (1917-1982) Waki Yeni Dewa
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Zia Pueblo, Tsi-ya
  • Medium: tempera
  • Size:
    6” x 4” image;
    14-5/8” x 12-5/8” framed
  • Item # C3964C
  • SOLD

Artist Signature - Ignacio Moquino (1917-1982) Waki Yeni Dewa

Image of Ignacio Moquino painting mural for the U.S. Office of Indian Affairs at the Exposition, 1939. Unknown Source.  Original caption: 01/07/1939-SAN FRANCISCO, CA: Joe Evans Duran (RT) and Ignacio Moquino (LT) working on murals for the Indian room of the new Federal ...This very animated representation of a Pueblo Deer Dancer shows how strong an image Ignacio Moquino (1917-1982) Waki Yeni Dewa produced, yet its actions appear very smooth. His drawing technique was well balanced with his paintbrush technique.

In traditional fashion of the time, there is no ground plane on which the subject dances.  The only figure, other than the dancer, is a butte with the artist’s name Waka displayed on top.  Biographical documentation indicates the spelling of his name as Waki, however, he signs his paintings as Waka.

The painting is floated so that the full paper is viewable.  On the back of the painting is noted “Deer Mask Dancer 1939 Ignacio Moquino Zia Pueblo, Bernalillo, N. Mex.”

Moquino began his painting career during his two years of graduate work at the Santa Fe Indian School. For a time, he painted quite a bit; as a result, he is well represented in both public and private collections. After he married, his responsibilities kept him from painting as frequently. He was among the Native Americans who painted the murals for one of the halls of the United States Office of Indian Affairs at the Golden Gate International Exposition in San Francisco in 1939.

Condition:  very good condition

Provenance: this Zia Pueblo Deer Mask Dancer is from the collection of a client from New York

Recommended Reading:  Southwest Indian Painting a Changing Art by Clara Lee Tanner

Image of Ignacio Moquino painting mural for the U.S. Office of Indian Affairs at the Exposition, 1939. Unknown Source.  Original caption: 01/07/1939-SAN FRANCISCO, CA: Joe Evans Duran (RT) and Ignacio Moquino (LT) working on murals for the Indian room of the new Federal ...

Close up view.

Ignacio Moquino (1917-1982) Waki Yeni Dewa
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Zia Pueblo, Tsi-ya
  • Medium: tempera
  • Size:
    6” x 4” image;
    14-5/8” x 12-5/8” framed
  • Item # C3964C
  • SOLD

C3964C-paint.jpgC3964C-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.