Set of Three Silver Bracelets with Avanyu, Yei Figure, and Pueblo Designs [SOLD]


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Unidentified Artist
  • Category: Bracelets
  • Origin: Native American Artist
  • Medium: Silver; SET OF THREE
  • Size:
    1”to 1-½” openings;
    very thin widths;
    Wrist Size: 6”
  • Item # C4576H-I-J
  • SOLD

We have decided to group these three bracelets together, but they do not share the same creators.  Furthermore, although two are signed, we have been unable to determine the artist of each bracelet.  We have grouped them together because they are very similar in style.  All three bracelets are very thin with a decorative element.  

The first bracelet features an avanyu serpent and is perhaps the bracelet out of the three with the most surface area.  The avanyu sweeps through the air with a feathery grace and expounds lightning from its mythic head.  This bracelet is signed, but only the first name, Alice, is legible.

The second bracelet features a pueblo scene.  Homes with familiar American Southwest horizons rise out of the top of the bracelet, rounded and adobe.  Cutouts have been made in the silver where there are windows or doors, and incisions to delineate the different houses and their features. This bracelet is signed, EP.  

Lastly, we have an unsigned silver Yei figure bracelet.  The Yei wraps around the wrist protectively and has a square head.  Of the three bracelets this is the only one that is double sided making the Yei visible from any angle.  This bracelet is not signed in any way. 

Condition: These bracelets are in excellent condition

Provenance: This Set of Three Silver Bracelets with Avanyu, Yei Figure, and Pueblo Designs  set is from a private Michigan collection.

Recommended Reading: 


- INDIAN SILVER, Volume Two by Dale Stuart King

Relative Link: Southwest Indian Jewelry
Alternate view of the bracelets.
Unidentified Artist
  • Category: Bracelets
  • Origin: Native American Artist
  • Medium: Silver; SET OF THREE
  • Size:
    1”to 1-½” openings;
    very thin widths;
    Wrist Size: 6”
  • Item # C4576H-I-J
  • SOLD

C4576H-I-J-bracelets.jpgC4576H-i-J-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.