Tesuque Pueblo Historic Pottery Kiva [SOLD]


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Once Known Native American Potter
  • Category: Historic
  • Origin: Tesuque Pueblo, TET-SUGEH
  • Medium: micaceous clay
  • Size:
    3-⅝” height x 7-¾” length x 6-¾” width
  • Item # C4642.45
  • SOLD

This is a rare and unusual example of historic Tesuque Pueblo pottery. It is a depiction of a kiva—a circular, often subterranean chamber used for spiritual ceremonies, meetings, and other purposes by Pueblo people. Those who have visited one of the pueblos or studied their architecture will recognize the unique structure depicted here. We have seen pottery kivas in the past, but none were as old as this piece, which likely dates to the 1880s.

Micaceous clay was used, giving the kiva a subtle sparkle. Fire clouds appear, adding smoky bursts of gray to certain areas. The fire clouds appear mostly on the base, but a lighter one appears near the top of the kiva steps.

A white slip covers much of the piece, reaching from the top down to about an inch and a half above the base. The white slip mutes the sparkling effect of the micaceous clay, allowing it to shine fully only in the unslipped area around the base. This roughly polished white slip appears on published examples of Tesuque works from this era, including rain gods, pitchers, and a variety of forms made for sale to early tourists. It is safe to assume that this kiva is an early tourist piece as well. This piece deserves the attention of collectors who appreciate unique historic pieces.

Condition: excellent condition, blacklight examination reveals no restoration or repair of any kind

Provenance: this Tesuque Pueblo Historic Pottery Kiva is from a private collection

Recommended Reading: Historic Pottery of the Pueblo Indians, 1600-1880 by Larry Frank and Francis Harlow.

TAGS: Historic PotteryTesuque Pueblo

Alternate view of this pottery kiva of Tesuque origin.

Once Known Native American Potter
  • Category: Historic
  • Origin: Tesuque Pueblo, TET-SUGEH
  • Medium: micaceous clay
  • Size:
    3-⅝” height x 7-¾” length x 6-¾” width
  • Item # C4642.45
  • SOLD

C4642-45-kiva.jpgC4642-45-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.