Santa Clara Straight Ribbed Red Melon Jar with Shell Lid


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Nancy Youngblood, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter

Artist signature of Nancy Youngblood (1955-) Santa Clara PuebloThis polished red melon jar was created by Nancy Youngblood in 2022. There are 32 ribs in a straight vertical position. The lid is a pair of back-to-back shell designs resting on a tan matte stopper. The underside of the jar is signed Nancy Youngblood 2022.

Nancy Youngblood (1955- ) Yellow Aspen is granddaughter of Margaret Tafoya.

TAGS: Margaret TafoyaMela YoungbloodpotterySanta Clara PueblopotteryNancy Youngblood

Alternate view of this pottery vessel with lid removed.

Nancy Youngblood, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter
C4848B-lidded.jpgC4848B-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.