Santa Clara Pueblo Polychrome Pottery Horse and Wagon Set [SOLD]
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- Category: Figurines
- Origin: Santa Clara Pueblo, Kha'p'oo Owinge
- Medium: clay, pigments
- Size: 15” length x 5” width x 5-1/2” height
- Item # C3675Y SOLD
This Southwest Indian Pottery figurine set includes two horses, wagon, male and female adults, child, bench and dog. It is one of the items I commissioned decades ago from Maria I. Naranjo (1924-2006) Margarita of Santa Clara Pueblo. As I have mentioned on other occasions, I first commissioned her to make for me a three-piece black train set similar to one in a photograph I showed her from the Museum of New Mexico collection. She made the set for me. I then commissioned her to make a Noah’s Ark, which she did, then in 1985, I asked her to make this horse and wagon set. I got it from her on December 5, 1985 and kept it in my collection until I sold it to an individual associated with Worcester Polytech Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, on November 30, 1989. Now, 26 years later, here it is again back in New Mexico!
It most certainly is a one-of-a-kind pottery set as Maria always said "No" when I would ask her to make a second copy of something I had commissioned, so I doubt she ever made another of this set. She was most creative and seemed to enjoy the challenge of making something unique but was not interested in repeating the process.
Condition: the foot of the female has been broken and professionally repaired. Everything else seems to be in original condition.
Recommended Reading: Santa Clara Pottery Today by Betty LeFree
Provenance: originally from the artist in 1985
- Category: Figurines
- Origin: Santa Clara Pueblo, Kha'p'oo Owinge
- Medium: clay, pigments
- Size: 15” length x 5” width x 5-1/2” height
- Item # C3675Y SOLD