Santa Clara Pueblo Polished Black Pottery Bowl by Nathan Youngblood


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Nathan Youngblood, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter

Artist signature and hallmark of Nathan Youngblood, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter Santa Clara Pueblo artist Nathan Youngblood chose to leave this pottery bowl void of decoration and to let the beautiful dark black burnishing serve that purpose. There is beauty in such a vessel shape, in the dark black mirror reflection, and in the burnishing to a high luster.

The jar is signed with the name of the artist but there is no date of when it was made. It is quite likely that it dates to the late 1970s, as that was a period when Nathan produced what may be called understated pottery—understated not being a negative term but a term of accomplishment.

Reference: Pueblo Indian Pottery: 750 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf. 

TAGS: Santa Clara Pueblo,Santa FePotteryMargaret TafoyaMela YoungbloodNancy YoungbloodNathan Youngblood, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter

Alternate view of this pottery vessel.

Nathan Youngblood, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter
C4851F-black.jpgC4851F-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.