Santa Clara Pueblo Black Carved Jar with Flute Players [R]


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Rose M. Lewis (1952- )

This black carved pottery jar was executed in the Santa Clara Pueblo style.  The decorations include Kokopelli (Flute Player) and Corn plant designs.  The signature on the underside is not clearly discernible.  The name Rose is readable but the remainder of the name is not.  The artist has been determined to be Rose M. Lewis.


Condition:  the jar is in original condition structurally but has a few scratches and abrasions that are of a minor nature.

Provenance: from a Santa Fe resident

Recommended Reading: Lost and Found Traditions: Native American Art 1965-1985 by Ralph T. Coe



Rose M. Lewis (1952- )
C3244-black-jar.jpgC3244-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.