Early Russell Sanchez Polished Red Tewa Jar [SOLD]


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Russell Sanchez, San Ildefonso Pueblo Artist

Artist signature of Russell Sanchez, San Ildefonso Pueblo ArtistWe often associate Russel Sanchez with his award-winning, intricately carved vessels adorned with turquoise and heishi inlays, yet at the core of his craft, he remains a potter. This earlier piece from 1987 showcases his foundational skills. Taught traditional pottery techniques by his aunt Rose Gonzales and Dora Tse-Pe Pena, Sanchez began experimenting with various shapes, slips, and colors. Here, he created a beautiful traditional jar-shaped vessel using San Ildefonso Pueblo clay, applied a traditional red slip, and achieved a high burnish before firing.

Award winning San Ildefonso Pueblo artist Russell Sanchez (1966- ) is unquestionably one of the most talented and creative of the current pueblo potters and painters. He was born July 29, 1966, at San Ildefonso Pueblo. He is the grandson of famous early San Ildefonso painter Abel Sanchez (1899-1971) Oqwa Pi - Kachina Stick. Russell's grandmother was sister to famous potter Rose Cata Gonzales (1900-1989).

Russell Sanchez could be referred to as a modernist potter and a traditionalist painter. His work shows influence from Tony Da and Popovi Da. He has incorporated different colors of clay into his work, often combining two or more colors in the same vessel. He inserts turquoise stones into some pieces, and inlays heishe into others. He often adds a lid to a vessel. At times he adds micaceous slip to a piece of pottery. He is an innovator in the use of clay, slip, color, and vessel shape.

Condition: excellent condition

Provenance: this Early Russell Sanchez Polished Red Tewa Jar is from the estate of a Santa Fe resident

Recommended Reading: Art of Clay: Timeless Pottery of the Southwest by Lee Cohen

TAGS: Abel SanchezRose GonzalesSouthwest Indian PotterySan Ildefonso PuebloContemporary PotteryTony DaPopovi DaRussell Sanchez

Russell Sanchez, San Ildefonso Pueblo Artist
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