San Felipe Pueblo 6 Piece Nacimiento [SOLD]


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Leonora Lupe Loretto Lucero, San Felipe Pueblo Potter

Lupe Loretto Lucero | San Felipe Pueblo | Southwest Indian Pottery | Figurines | Nacimiento | signature

Lupe Lucero (also known as Leonora) is the sister of other well-known potters—Alma Concha, Mary E. Toya, Fannie Loretto, Edna Coriz and Dorothy Trujillo.  Lupe is originally from Jemez Pueblo but married into San Felipe Pueblo.  Her nacimientos resemble and are often mistaken for her sister Alma's work.  They both use a buff and red slip and fire their figures traditionally. Lupe primarily makes figures and started making nacimientos in the late 1970s.


This miniature nacimiento consists of a kneeling Mary and Joseph, the Christ Child in a cradle board, two rams and a donkey.  All of the pieces are intricately painted and very well formed.  The three human figures are signed L L Lucero San Felipe and the animals are signed Lucero.  This set is so small that it would best be displayed in a small enclosed area or behind glass as the pieces could easily be lost.

Today Lupe's figures tend to be much larger and she often uses corn husks as decoration.


Condition:  very good condition.

Provenance:  from a Santa Fe collector.

Recommended ReadingNacimientos by Guy and Doris Monthan



Leonora Lupe Loretto Lucero, San Felipe Pueblo Potter
C3325V-nativity.jpgC3325V-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.