Rachel Sahmie Hopi Polychrome Pottery Squash Jar [SOLD]


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Rachel Sahmie Nampeyo, Hopi-Tewa Potter

Hopi-Tewa artist Rachel Sahmie Nampeyo's specialty is Sikyatki Revival shapes and designs brought back into popularity by her great grandmother, Nampeyo of Hano. Reminiscent of a scalloped summer squash, the shape and rich colors of this jar make it one of a kind.  Sikyatki-esq design elements are as original as the shape, appearing to be created by Sahmie herself.  

Rachel Sahmie Nampeyo (1956- ) Koo-Loo is a daughter of Priscilla Namingha Nampeyo and has been an active potter since around 1970. She has seven siblings, all of whom are potters or Katsina doll carvers. Her brothers and sisters are Nyla Sahmie, Jean Sahme, Bonnie Chapella, Randy Sahmie, Andrew Sahmie, Foster Sahmie and Finkle Sahmie. She is an accomplished potter as is evident by her success in creating flat top seed jars.  Rachel has been actively potting from about 1970 to the present.

Condition: excellent condition

Provenance:  this Rachel Sahmie Hopi Polychrome Pottery Squash Jar is from the estate of Henry Christensen III, former attorney at law of New York City who purchased it from Allen Moore Indian Art in 2006

Reference: HOPI AND HOPI-TEWA POTTERY Published in Plateau, volume 49, Museum of Northern Arizona

Relative Links: Priscilla Namingha NampeyoNyla SahmieJean SahmeBonnie ChapellaFinkle SahmieSouthwest Indian PotteryHopi PuebloContemporary PotteryRachel Sahmie Nampeyo, Hopi-Tewa Potter

Alternate side view of this pottery jar.

Rachel Sahmie Nampeyo, Hopi-Tewa Potter
C4525-17-pot.jpgC4525-17-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.