Twelve Piece Nacimiento Set by Robin Teller from Isleta Pueblo [SOLD]


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Robin Teller, Isleta Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Figurines
  • Origin: Isleta Pueblo, Tue-I
  • Medium: clay, pigments
  • Size: 3” height of tallest figurine
  • Item # C4883F
  • SOLD

Baby Jesus.This twelve-piece Nacimiento set by Robin Teller from Isleta Pueblo is a unique and enchanting portrayal of the nativity story, rendered in soft white and a myriad of earth and gray tones. Known as the "Wildlife" set, it is filled with rich, thoughtful details that bring the scene to life. Mary and Joseph, seated together on a single pottery log, form a unified figure—an innovative touch that sets this Nacimiento apart. Surrounding them are charming wildlife figures, including a raccoon, mountain lion, hare, fox, deer, and bear.

Offerings are presented by wise men who bring gifts integral to Pueblo life: moccasins, bread, corn, a flute, rattles, a drum, and a beater. Each offering speaks to the cultural values of sustenance, music, and craft. Robin Teller's work here is a feast of details, merging the nativity's reverent atmosphere with a celebration of the natural world and Pueblo tradition. This set was purchased from the artist by the current owners in 2016.

Artist signature of Robin Teller, Isleta Pueblo Potter

Condition: excellent condition

Provenance: this Twelve Piece Nacimiento set by Robin Teller from Isleta Pueblo is from the collection of a New Mexico family

Recommended Reading: Nacimientos - Nativity Scenes by Southwest Indian Artisans by Guy and Doris Monthan

TAGS: Stella TellerIsleta PuebloChris TellerMona TellerSouthwest Indian Pottery, Robin Teller

Close up view of the Holy Family.

Lots of gifts.

Animals - very intricate.

Robin Teller, Isleta Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Figurines
  • Origin: Isleta Pueblo, Tue-I
  • Medium: clay, pigments
  • Size: 3” height of tallest figurine
  • Item # C4883F
  • SOLD

C4883F-nativity.jpgC4883F-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.