Original Oil Painting of an Adobe Home in Taos [SOLD]


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Joseph R. Willis, Western Painter and Photographer
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Western Artists
  • Medium: Oil on artist board
  • Size: 12-1/2” x 14” image; 18-1/4” x 19-1/2” framed
  • Item # 25465
  • SOLD

Original Oil Painting of an Adobe Home in Taos

We have a wonderful and comprehensive biography of J. R. Willis on our website so there is no reason to repeat it here.  It is recommended that you click on the artist's name to the right of the photograph to read the biography.  I will say that he was an Albuquerque legend and recognized as an outstanding artist.

This painting of a small adobe home nestled below the Taos Mountains is indicative of the fine detail Willis achieved in his oil paintings.  The many-colored Hollyhocks in the foreground are typically seen around adobe buildings in New Mexico and define the season of this painting. 

The painting is signed in lower right Taos, N.M. J.R. Willis.

Original Oil Painting of an Adobe Home in Taos - JR Willis signature


Condition:  The painting appears to be in original condition.



Joseph R. Willis, Western Painter and Photographer
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Western Artists
  • Medium: Oil on artist board
  • Size: 12-1/2” x 14” image; 18-1/4” x 19-1/2” framed
  • Item # 25465
  • SOLD

25465-paint.jpg25465-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.