Exceptionally Large Navajo Rug Featuring Yeii Figures [R]


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Nellie Nez, Diné of the Navajo Nation Weaver
  • Category: Navajo Textiles
  • Origin: Diné of the Navajo Nation
  • Medium: wool, dyes
  • Size:
    9 feet -10 inches by 5 feet - 7 inches
  • Item # C4688
  • Price No Longer Available

Textiles featuring the ceremonial Yeii beings generally come from two areas of the Navajo Reservation—Shiprock and Lukachukai. Such textiles with softer warm colors generally come from Lukachukai. It is likely that is the source of this textile.

The Rainbow Goddess wraps around the other Yeii figures, and top and bottom borders enclose the entire group of figures. The eight Yeii figures are identical except for slight changes on their skirts and of the ribbons hanging from their arms. Corn plants separate the Yeii. The background color of the textile is a soft gray. Other yarns carry out the muted use of colors.

"Lukachukai is pronounced ‘look-a-choo-ki' and translates from the Navajo meaning ‘white patch of reeds extends out.' The settlement is located along the west base of an impressive red-rock escarpment of the Lukachukai Mountains. The immediate area is one of the most scenic on the reservation. Transition from a sage covered plain to forests and meadows is quite abrupt, leading some writers to refer to the highlands as the ‘Navajo Alps.' The Indians call the mountains Shiink'eh, or ‘Summer Place'" [James 2005:37]

Our thanks go to Jackson Clark of Toh-Atin Gallery for identifying for us the weaver of this textile as Nellie Nez. Nellie and her mom died in an automobile accident in the early 1990s.

Condition: excellent condition having just been professionally washed.

Provenance: this Exceptionally Large Navajo Rug Featuring Yeii Figures is from the estate of a family from Santa Fe

Reference: James, H. L. Rugs & Posts - The Story of Navajo Weaving and Indian Trading

TAGS: textilesNavajo Nation

Alternate close up view of a section of this Navajo textile.

Nellie Nez, Diné of the Navajo Nation Weaver
  • Category: Navajo Textiles
  • Origin: Diné of the Navajo Nation
  • Medium: wool, dyes
  • Size:
    9 feet -10 inches by 5 feet - 7 inches
  • Item # C4688
  • Price No Longer Available

C4688-rug.jpgC4688-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.