Modern Carved Red Bowl with Hummingbirds and Butterflies


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Grace Medicine Flower, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter

Artist signature of Grace Medicine Flower, Santa Clara Pueblo PotterThis deep open pottery bowl made by Grace Medicine Flower of Santa Clara Pueblo evokes the look of a rose open to the birds and insects that would come to pollinate it. The irregular rim shape enforces that thought with its shape of rose petals. The design medallion features hummingbirds and butterflies hovering over plants. There are five oval medallions and each features hummingbirds and butterflies and flowers.

The jar is signed but not dated. A sales receipt indicates it dates to circa 1990.

The polished redware exterior has a rich, beautiful tone. Micaceous clay sparkles softly within the interior and the carved sections adorning the exterior, adding an additional element of visual appeal to the bowl. As far as design elements go, there is a lot happening here, but it does not feel cluttered or busy. Rather, it all comes together beautifully.

Sgraffito Carving Explained: A method of pottery design known as sgraffito carving is relatively new in pueblo pottery traditions. Rather than deep carving, as is more traditional at Santa Clara Pueblo, sgraffito is achieved by scraping the vessel with a sharp instrument to achieve a shallow depth. The pottery is formed in the traditional coil method, slipped with a watery clay and stone polished before the sgraffito carving commences

Recommended Reading: The Pottery Jewels of Joseph Lonewolf by Jon Young

TAGS: Santa Clara PuebloSara Fina TafoyaCamilio Sunflower Tafoya Agapita Yellow Flower TafoyaJoseph Lonewolf

Alternate close-up view of a section of this pottery.

Alternate view of this pottery vessel.

Grace Medicine Flower, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter
C4848Q-grace.jpgC4848Q-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.