Miniature Turquoise Bear Fetish Pendant [SOLD]
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- Category: Necklaces
- Origin: Zuni Pueblo, SHE-WE-NA
- Medium: turquoise, wire
- Size: ½” x ¼”
- Item # C3773P SOLD
This beautiful green turquoise miniature bear fetish has been wrapped in wire to facilitate use as a pendant. The formation of such a small fetish is amazing. The carving was executed with great care.
The fetish has been stored for years in a small container with yellow corn pollen. That is a traditional manner in which they are stored and ceremonially fed by Zuni persons. Corn Pollen and Cornmeal can be a blessing for protection, understanding and forgiveness. White corn is thought, by the Navajo, to be male, yellow corn is female and could have a similar meaning for the Pueblo people, but that has not been confirmed by us.
The primary meaning of the bear spirit animal is strength and confidence; standing against adversity. Perhaps wearing this fetish pendant will bring you all kinds of good fortune and good health.
Condition: original condition
Recommended Reading: Fetishes and Carvings of the Southwest by Oscar Branson
Provenance: from a longtime Santa Fe resident
- Category: Necklaces
- Origin: Zuni Pueblo, SHE-WE-NA
- Medium: turquoise, wire
- Size: ½” x ¼”
- Item # C3773P SOLD